
ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning,企业资源计划,称企业资源规划,企业资源规划系统,ERPs)指使用计算机软硬件把企业的所有数据和过程统一化,使用统一的数据库储存各类数据系统模块。


ERP常被误以为是不与客户等打交道的后台系统,但它却与前台密不可分。ERP II 是开放的ERP架构和组件,把旧的独立的ERP系统变成了面向组件模式。EAS(Enterprise Application Suite 企业应用套件)是对以前开发的包容企业一切商业领域,通常使用普通网络浏览器为瘦客户端的旧ERP系统的新称呼。


具体模块包括:物料需求计划(MRP),制造资源计划(MRP II),客户关系管理(CRM),供应链管理(SCM),人力资源管理(HRM),信息资源规划(IRP),办公自动化(OA),企业流程再造(BPR)。涵盖如下功能与领域:

1)制造业Manufacturing : 工程,物资票据、调度、能力、工作流程管理、质量管理、成本管理、制造过程、制造工程、制造流程 Engineering, Bills of Material, Scheduling, Capacity, Workflow Management, Quality Control, Cost Management, Manufacturing Process, Manufacturing Projects, Manufacturing Flow

2)供应链管理Supply Chain Management:库存,订单记录、采购、产品配置、供应链的规划、供应调度,商品检验、索赔处理,佣金计算 Inventory, Order Entry, Purchasing, Product Configurator, Supply Chain Planning, Supplier Scheduling, Inspection of goods, Claim Processing, Commission Calculation

3)财务Financials: 总帐、现金管理、应付帐款、应收帐款、固定资产 General Ledger, Cash Management, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Fixed Assets

4)项目Projects: 成本、帐单、时间和费用,活动管理 Costing, Billing, Time and Expense, Activity Management

5)人力资源Human Resources: 人力资源、薪金、培训,时间及考勤,收益 Human Resources, Payroll, Training, Time & Attendance, Benefits

6)客户资源和营销Customer Resources and Marketing:营销、佣金、服务、客户联络和呼叫中心 Sales and Marketing, Commissions, Service, Customer Contact and Call Center support

7)仓储管理Warehouse Management

8)数据仓库Data Warehouse: 及各种客户、供应商和雇员的自助界面。 and various Self-Service interfaces for Customers, Suppliers, and Employees



ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning)企业资源计划系统,是指建立在信息技术基础上,以系统化的管理思想,为企业决策层及员工提供决策运行手段的管理平台。一天中午,丈夫在外给家里打电话:“亲爱的老婆,晚上我想带几个同事回家吃饭可以吗?”(订货意向)妻子:“当然可以,来几个人,几点来,想吃什么菜?” 丈夫:“6人人,我们7点左右回来,准备些酒、烤鸭、番茄炒蛋、凉菜、蛋花汤……。你看可以吗?”(商务沟通)妻子:“没问题,我会准备好的。”(订单确认)妻子记录下需要做的菜单(MPS计划),具体要准备的东西:鸭、酒、番茄、鸡蛋、调料……(BOM物料清单),发现需要:1只鸭蛋,5瓶酒,4个鸡蛋……(BOM展开),炒蛋需要6个鸡蛋,蛋花汤需要4个鸡蛋(共用物料)。打开冰箱一看(库房),只剩下2个鸡蛋(缺料)。来到自由市场,妻子:“请问鸡蛋怎么卖?”(采购询价)小贬:“1个1元,半打5元,1打9.5元。” 妻子:“我只需要8个,但这次买1打。”(经济批量采购)妻子:“这有一个坏的,换一个。”(验收、退料、换料)回到家中,准备洗采、切菜、炒菜……(工艺线路),厨房中有燃气灶、微波炉、电饭煲……(工作中心)。妻子发现拨鸭毛最费时间(瓶颈工序,关键工艺路线),用微波炉自己做烤鸭可能来不及(产能不足),于是阅览室在楼下的餐厅里买现成的(产品委外)。下午4点,电话铃又响:“妈妈,晚上几个同学想来家里吃饭,你帮忙准备一下。”(紧急订单) “好的,你们想吃什么,爸爸晚上也有客人,你愿意和他们一起吃吗?” “菜你看着办吧,但一定要有番茄炒鸡蛋,我们不和大人一起吃,6:30左右回来。”(不能并单处理) “好的,肯定让你们满意。”(订单确定)鸡蛋又不购了,打电话叫小贬送来。(紧急采购) 6:30,一切准备就绪,可烤鸭还没送来,急忙打电话询问:“我是李太,怎么订的烤鸭还不送来?”(采购委外单跟催) “不好意思,么你就去办吧。”(通过审核)妻子:“还有,最近家里花销太大,用你的私房钱来补贴一下,好吗?”(最后就是应收货款的催要)现在还有人不理解ERP吗?记住,每一个合格的家庭都是生产厂长的有力竞争者。

虽然每个主妇都懂ERP,可是在企业当中ERP成功应用概率并不高。 ERP通过信息系统对信息进行充分整理、有效传递,使企业的资源在购、存、产、销、人、财、物等各个方面能够得到合理地配置与利用,从而实现企业经营效率的提高。从本质上讲,ERP是一套信息系统,是一种工具。ERP 在系统设计中可集成某些管理思想与内容,可帮助企业提升管理水平。但是,ERP本身不是管理,它不可以取代管理。ERP本身不能解决企业的管理问题。企业的管理问题只能由管理者自己去解决。ERP可以是管理者解决企业管理问题的一种工具。不少企业因为错误地将ERP当成了管理本身,在ERP实施前未能认真地分析企业的管理问题,寻找解决途径,而过分地依赖ERP来解决问题。


起源于1970和1980年代APICS(美国生产及存货管理协会)分别推动物料需求计划(MRP)制造资源规划(MRP II),正是从其演变而来。ERP由美国着名管理咨询公司Garter Group Inc.于1990年提出来的,最初被定义为软件包,但迅速为全世界商业企业所接受,现已经发展成为现代企业管理理论之一。企业资源计划是实施企业流程再造的重要工具之一。是个属于大型制造业所使用的公司资源。

1. 20世纪40年代的库存控制订货点法;

2. 20世纪60年代的时段式MRP;

3. 20世纪70年代的闭环MRP;

4. 20世纪80年代发展起来的MRPII;

5. 20世纪90年代出现ERP。


Best Practices







In the absence of an ERP system, a large manufacturer may find itself with many software applications that do not talk to each other and do not effectively interface. Tasks that need to interface with one another may involve:

  • design engineering (how to best make the product)

  • order tracking from acceptance through fulfillment

  • the revenue cycle from invoice through cash receipt

  • managing interdependencies of complex Bill of Materials

  • tracking the 3-way match between Purchase orders (what was ordered), Inventory receipts (what arrived), and Costing (what the vendor invoiced)

  • the Accounting for all of these tasks, tracking the Revenue, Cost and Profit on a granular level.

Change how a product is made, in the engineering details, and that is how it will now be made. Effective dates can be used to control when the switch over will occur from an old version to the next one, both the date that some ingredients go into effect, and date that some are discontinued. Part of the change can include labeling to identify version numbers.

Computer security is included within an ERP to protect against both outsider crime, such as industrial espionage, and insider crime, such as embezzlement. A data tampering scenario might involve a terrorist altering a Bill of Materials so as to put poison in food products, or other sabotage. ERP security helps to prevent abuse as well.

[edit] Disadvantages

Many problems organizations have with ERP systems are due to inadequate investment in ongoing training for involved personnel, including those implementing and testing changes, as well as a lack of corporate policy protecting the integrity of the data in the ERP systems and how it is used.

Limitations of ERP include:

Success depends on the skill and experience of the workforce, including training about how to make the system work correctly. Many companies cut costs by cutting training budgets. Privately owned small enterprises are often undercapitalized, meaning their ERP system is often operated by personnel with inadequate education in ERP in general, such as APICS foundations, and in the particular ERP vendor package being used.

  • Personnel turnover; companies can employ new managers lacking education in the company's ERP system, proposing changes in business practices that are out of synchronization with the best utilization of the company's selected ERP.

  • Customization of the ERP software is limited. Some customization may involve changing of the ERP software structure which is usually not allowed.

  • Re-engineering of business processes to fit the “industry standard” prescribed by the ERP system may lead to a loss of competitive advantage.

  • ERP systems can be very expensive to install.

  • ERP vendors can charge sums of money for annual license renewal that is unrelated to the size of the company using the ERP or its profitability.

  • Technical support personnel often give replies to callers that are inappropriate for the caller's corporate structure. Computer security concerns arise, for example when telling a non-programmer how to change a database on the fly, at a company that requires an audit trail of changes so as to meet some regulatory standards.

  • ERPs are often seen as too rigid and too difficult to adapt to the specific workflow and business process of some companies—this is cited as one of the main causes of their failure.

  • Systems can be difficult to use.

  • The system can suffer from the “weakest link” problem—an inefficiency in one department or at one of the partners may affect other participants.

  • Many of the integrated links need high accuracy in other applications to work effectively. A company can achieve minimum standards, then over time “dirty data” will reduce the reliability of some applications.

  • Once a system is established, switching costs are very high for any one of the partners (reducing flexibility and strategic control at the corporate level).

  • The blurring of company boundaries can cause problems in accountability, lines of responsibility, and employee morale.

  • Resistance in sharing sensitive internal information between departments can reduce the effectiveness of the software.

  • There are frequent compatibility problems with the various legacy systems of the partners.

  • The system may be over-engineered relative to the actual needs of the customer.


国外:Ross, SAP, ORACLE 甲骨文股份有限公司, PeopleSoft 仁科公司,甲骨文股份有限公司的一部分, Mapics, ASW, QAD MFG/PRO, BAAN,J.D. Edward

国内: 深圳市天思软件技术有限公司, 用友软件股份有限公司, 天思软件集团, 神州数码,金蝶国际, 台湾鼎新计算机(DSC), 台湾益弘企业 ESOP

一些免费ERP软件: OpenPro ERP Software ACCPAC Advantage Enterprise ACCPAC Pro Series Epicor Platinum for Windows Great Plains Dynamics Microsoft Solomon IV Macola Progression Navision Solutions OpenSystems Accounting Software BEST MAS 500 SysPro Impact Encore Visual Account Mate



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Enterprise resource planning